TC Electronic PolyTune Guitar Tuner Video Review And Demo

TC Electronic PolyTune Poly-Chromatic Tru-Bypass Pedal TunerThe TC Electronic PolyTune is the world's first polyphonic guitar tuner. That means not only can you tune chromatically, but you can tune all stings at once! Sleek design and a large LED display are just a few of the great features of this pedal. Visit TC Electronic for more info on this pedal.



Andrew B said...

this is an amazing tuner! I want one!

Ian Perge said...

Great tuner - as a Bassist I don't have much use for the Polyphonic Tuning mode, but I've heard positive things about its ability to pick up notes in the Extended Bass range (an F# below a 5-string's Low B and the F above a 6-string's high C.